All Movement Is Necessary
Flat feet, valgus knee, scoliosis, flexed (or rounded) spine - a few of the many shapes in our body that often get a bad name.
Some people fear & avoid these positions by consciously controlling their movement or by utilising external devices, such as insoles, to prevent certain movements...
Yet ALL of these are NECESSARY positions we need to experience for overall healthy movement such as during the simple (or not so simple!) act of walking - the collection of cleverly sequenced micro-movements which form the foundation of all other movement in daily life, sport & the like.
These are neither good nor bad, they just 'are'. The key thing which can make them "bad" is if we get stuck there & are unable to experience the opposite position/movement - this may well lead to pain & discomfort somewhere in the body.
So, lets drop the good & bad labels when it comes to talking about human movement & focus more on restoring what's missing - maybe a flexing spine if you've been avoiding it for a long time š¤·š»āāļø
Need some help getting your body moving well & feeling good again? If so, Iām happy to help - you can view my appointment availability & book online here